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House Party


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Stilius: Elektroninė, šokių muzika
Data: 2010 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Gonna have a house party in my house

Monday Tuesday Wednesday (PARTY)
Thursday Friday Saturday (PARTY)
Sunday better find somebody else so for one day i won’t have to clean up after myself

Everybody say fuck the clubs (x4)
I’m not going out
Everybody say fuck the clubs (x4)
I’ll be getting love in my house

I’m gonna have a house party in my house
I’m gonna pour booze down my mouth
I might stay up until the a.m.
Yeah i think tonight I’m just gonna stay in

8 o clock 10 o clock midnight (PARTY)
2 o clock 4 o clock 6 o clock (PARTY)
7 am better get the fuck out
Cause there ain’t no room to be crashing on my couch

Everybody say fuck the djs (x4)
Cause they ain’t playing my shit
Everybody say fuck the djs (x4)
At my house i’ll be playing my shit

I’m gonna have a house party in my house
I’m gonna pour booze down my mouth
I might stay up until the a.m.
Yeah I think tonight I’m gonna stay in

Fuck if I know if there’s a better place to go cause there ain’t no party if it ain’t my party (x2)

I’m gonna have a house party in my house
I’m gonna pour booze down my mouth
I might stay up until the a.m.
Yeah I think tonight I’m gonna stay in

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Gonna have a house party in my house

Monday Tuesday Wednesday (PARTY)
Thursday Friday Saturday (PARTY)
Sunday better find somebody else so for one day i won’t have to clean up after myself

Everybody say fuck the clubs (x4)
I’m not going out
Everybody say fuck the clubs (x4)
I’ll be getting love in my house

I’m gonna have a house party in my house
I’m gonna pour booze down my mouth
I might stay up until the a.m.
Yeah i think tonight I’m just gonna stay in

8 o clock 10 o clock midnight (PARTY)
2 o clock 4 o clock 6 o clock (PARTY)
7 am better get the fuck out
Cause there ain’t no room to be crashing on my couch

Everybody say fuck the djs (x4)
Cause they ain’t playing my shit
Everybody say fuck the djs (x4)
At my house i’ll be playing my shit

I’m gonna have a house party in my house
I’m gonna pour booze down my mouth
I might stay up until the a.m.
Yeah I think tonight I’m gonna stay in

Fuck if I know if there’s a better place to go cause there ain’t no party if it ain’t my party (x2)

I’m gonna have a house party in my house
I’m gonna pour booze down my mouth
I might stay up until the a.m.
Yeah I think tonight I’m gonna stay in

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