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A Firm Kick

John Frusciante

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Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2004 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

A firm kick in the pants
This last chance to get things right
This was one time I closed an eye

Looked away from you
Look out for yourself tonight
Sometimes I have to get things right

I never meant what I said to you
Give up all the things that you love to do
I’d never guessed that you’d do me wrong
I’ll never except that dance and song

A little time to adjust
Would be just what we need
I’ve meant to tell you what I think that you think
When I cross your mind

Stressed at the light
What’s wrong with being uptight

I never say what I intend to
But does it mean that much to you
I’d close call with a glitch in time
Are you really that happy to be mine

No I’m not disguising
All that fighting
And dreams not coming true

I will play some light from the sun
The world by my side
And I will see dawn as a forlorn maiden in the sky
And I will play a song of thunder you may recognize
You make a never
That’s forever
Knowing what you deny

When I revisit the past it’s a blast
I’ve just gotta move on
I’ve just let down someone I relied on
And I don’t see why
How'd we pretty up that speech
MC talking through me

I’ve never done what I set out to do
Don’t come to me ’cuz I’ll run from you
Left out of life would I really care
Not a whole lot
There’s nothing for me there

I’ll never forget the limits that we set
Back when it was our moon
And I never made a pretense of living with good sense
It’s really not my strong suit.

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

A firm kick in the pants
This last chance to get things right
This was one time I closed an eye

Looked away from you
Look out for yourself tonight
Sometimes I have to get things right

I never meant what I said to you
Give up all the things that you love to do
I’d never guessed that you’d do me wrong
I’ll never except that dance and song

A little time to adjust
Would be just what we need
I’ve meant to tell you what I think that you think
When I cross your mind

Stressed at the light
What’s wrong with being uptight

I never say what I intend to
But does it mean that much to you
I’d close call with a glitch in time
Are you really that happy to be mine

No I’m not disguising
All that fighting
And dreams not coming true

I will play some light from the sun
The world by my side
And I will see dawn as a forlorn maiden in the sky
And I will play a song of thunder you may recognize
You make a never
That’s forever
Knowing what you deny

When I revisit the past it’s a blast
I’ve just gotta move on
I’ve just let down someone I relied on
And I don’t see why
How'd we pretty up that speech
MC talking through me

I’ve never done what I set out to do
Don’t come to me ’cuz I’ll run from you
Left out of life would I really care
Not a whole lot
There’s nothing for me there

I’ll never forget the limits that we set
Back when it was our moon
And I never made a pretense of living with good sense
It’s really not my strong suit.

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