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Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 1985 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Young and free, something you'll never be
A childhood's end, it's lunacy
Pure dictation, they don't listen
And you're just waiting for what you're missing

Welcome to your nightmare
You just can't walk away
It's time for you, to choose, your fate
You just can't let it lay
Welcome to your nightmare
Your whole life's on the way

You're no good, misunderstood, A.I.R.
All their hopes and visions of what they want you to be
Crucial times, made up minds, A.I.R.
So high and mighty, though much too blind too see

Who are you gonna live your life for?
Conformity will trap you like a locked door
Independence means owning your decision's
Authority will put your soul in prison

Fight, go insane, there's no one else to blame
Stop, their influence, you can't give them a chance
Break, right through the wall, that separates us all
Start, your second life, without their hands in sight

You got your pride you got your visions
Don't subside, don't ever give in
Don't compromise just keep on grinning
The games they play you just keep on winning
Keep on winning, A.I.R.

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Young and free, something you'll never be
A childhood's end, it's lunacy
Pure dictation, they don't listen
And you're just waiting for what you're missing

Welcome to your nightmare
You just can't walk away
It's time for you, to choose, your fate
You just can't let it lay
Welcome to your nightmare
Your whole life's on the way

You're no good, misunderstood, A.I.R.
All their hopes and visions of what they want you to be
Crucial times, made up minds, A.I.R.
So high and mighty, though much too blind too see

Who are you gonna live your life for?
Conformity will trap you like a locked door
Independence means owning your decision's
Authority will put your soul in prison

Fight, go insane, there's no one else to blame
Stop, their influence, you can't give them a chance
Break, right through the wall, that separates us all
Start, your second life, without their hands in sight

You got your pride you got your visions
Don't subside, don't ever give in
Don't compromise just keep on grinning
The games they play you just keep on winning
Keep on winning, A.I.R.

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