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A Livery of Bachelors

Black Tape for a Blue Girl

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Alternatyvioji muzika
Data: 2002 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

A livery of bachelors calling on her
Floating from memory, and what of me?
I glance up for a moment, have I ever really been here before?
I look around, nothing quite as I remember it
A livery of bachelors sadly listen as her steps echo
Echos as she passes slightly out of focus,
fading from view, fading from sight, fading

A livery of bachelors try to bring her back, bring her back after
Always passing by, always heading somewhere, just out of focus
Just out of focus
I still see her before me

She looks quite beautiful
When she passes always later than the rest

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Esamas tekstas

A livery of bachelors calling on her
Floating from memory, and what of me?
I glance up for a moment, have I ever really been here before?
I look around, nothing quite as I remember it
A livery of bachelors sadly listen as her steps echo
Echos as she passes slightly out of focus,
fading from view, fading from sight, fading

A livery of bachelors try to bring her back, bring her back after
Always passing by, always heading somewhere, just out of focus
Just out of focus
I still see her before me

She looks quite beautiful
When she passes always later than the rest

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