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If It Hadn't Been For Love


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Pop, R&B muzika
Data: 2011 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

er woulda hitch hiked to Birmingham
if it hadn't been for love
Never woulda caught the train to Louisian'
if it hadn't been for love
Never woulda run through the blindin' rain
without one dollar to my name
if it hadn't been
if it hadn't been for love

Never woulda seen the trouble that I'm in
if it hadn't been for love
Woulda been gone like a wayward wind
if it hadn't been for love
Nobody knows it better than me
I wouldn't be wishing I was free
if it hadn't been
if it hadn't been for love

Four cold walls against my will
at least I know she's lying still
Four cold walls without paroll
Lord have mercy on my soul

Never woulda gone to that side of town
if it hadn't been for love
Never woulda took a mind to track her down
if it hadn't been for love
Never woulda loaded up a forty four
put myself behind a jail house door
if it hadn't been
if it hadn't been for love

Four cold walls against my will
at least I know she's lying still
Four cold walls without paroll
Lord have mercy on my soul

Never woulda hitch hiked to Birmingham
if it hadn't been for love
Never woulda caught the train to Louisian'
if it hadn't been for love
Never woulda loaded up a forty four
put myself behind a jail house door
if it hadn't been
if it hadn't been for love
if it hadn't been
if it hadn't been for love
if it hadn't been
if it hadn't been for love

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

er woulda hitch hiked to Birmingham
if it hadn't been for love
Never woulda caught the train to Louisian'
if it hadn't been for love
Never woulda run through the blindin' rain
without one dollar to my name
if it hadn't been
if it hadn't been for love

Never woulda seen the trouble that I'm in
if it hadn't been for love
Woulda been gone like a wayward wind
if it hadn't been for love
Nobody knows it better than me
I wouldn't be wishing I was free
if it hadn't been
if it hadn't been for love

Four cold walls against my will
at least I know she's lying still
Four cold walls without paroll
Lord have mercy on my soul

Never woulda gone to that side of town
if it hadn't been for love
Never woulda took a mind to track her down
if it hadn't been for love
Never woulda loaded up a forty four
put myself behind a jail house door
if it hadn't been
if it hadn't been for love

Four cold walls against my will
at least I know she's lying still
Four cold walls without paroll
Lord have mercy on my soul

Never woulda hitch hiked to Birmingham
if it hadn't been for love
Never woulda caught the train to Louisian'
if it hadn't been for love
Never woulda loaded up a forty four
put myself behind a jail house door
if it hadn't been
if it hadn't been for love
if it hadn't been
if it hadn't been for love
if it hadn't been
if it hadn't been for love

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