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Mama Kin


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1973 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

It ain't easy
Livin' like a gypsy
Tell ya honey how I feel
I've been dreamin'
Floatin' down the stream n'
Losin' touch with all that's real

Whole earth lover
Keepin' under cover
Never know where ya been
You've been fadin'
Always out paradin'
Keep in touch with Mama Kin

Well you've always got your tail on the wag
Shootin' fire from your mouth
Just like a dragon
You act like a perpertual drag
You better check it out
'Cause someday soon you'll have to
Climb back on the wagon

It ain't easy
Livin' like you wanna
It's so hard to find peace of mind
Yes it is
The way I see it
You gotta say shit
But don't forget to drop me a line

Said, you're bald as an egg when you're eighteen
Workin' for your dad is just a drag
You still stuff your mouth with your dreams
You better check it out
'Cause someday soon you'll have to
Climb back on the wagon

Keep in touch with Mama Kin
Tell her where you've gone and been
Livin' out your fantasy
Sleepin' late and smokin' tea

Keep in touch with Mama Kin
Tell her where you've gone and been
Livin' out your fantasy
Sleepin' late and smokin' tea

It ain't easy
Livin' like you wanna
It's so hard to find peace of mind
Yes it is
The way I see it
You gotta say shit
But don't forget to drop me a line

Said you're bald as an egg at eighteen
Workin' for your dad is just a drag
You still stuff your mouth with your dreams
You better check it out
'Cause someday soon you'll have to
Climb back on the wagon

Keep in touch with Mama Kin
Tell her where you've gone and been
Livin' out your fantasy
Sleepin' late and smokin' tea

Keep in touch with Mama Kin
Tell her where you've gone and been
Livin' out your fantasy
Sleepin' late and smokin' tea

Topai ir rinkimai:
Muzikos įdomybės - Į Lietuvą atvyksta "Aerosmith": geriausios grupės dainos rinkimai #14
Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

It ain't easy
Livin' like a gypsy
Tell ya honey how I feel
I've been dreamin'
Floatin' down the stream n'
Losin' touch with all that's real

Whole earth lover
Keepin' under cover
Never know where ya been
You've been fadin'
Always out paradin'
Keep in touch with Mama Kin

Well you've always got your tail on the wag
Shootin' fire from your mouth
Just like a dragon
You act like a perpertual drag
You better check it out
'Cause someday soon you'll have to
Climb back on the wagon

It ain't easy
Livin' like you wanna
It's so hard to find peace of mind
Yes it is
The way I see it
You gotta say shit
But don't forget to drop me a line

Said, you're bald as an egg when you're eighteen
Workin' for your dad is just a drag
You still stuff your mouth with your dreams
You better check it out
'Cause someday soon you'll have to
Climb back on the wagon

Keep in touch with Mama Kin
Tell her where you've gone and been
Livin' out your fantasy
Sleepin' late and smokin' tea

Keep in touch with Mama Kin
Tell her where you've gone and been
Livin' out your fantasy
Sleepin' late and smokin' tea

It ain't easy
Livin' like you wanna
It's so hard to find peace of mind
Yes it is
The way I see it
You gotta say shit
But don't forget to drop me a line

Said you're bald as an egg at eighteen
Workin' for your dad is just a drag
You still stuff your mouth with your dreams
You better check it out
'Cause someday soon you'll have to
Climb back on the wagon

Keep in touch with Mama Kin
Tell her where you've gone and been
Livin' out your fantasy
Sleepin' late and smokin' tea

Keep in touch with Mama Kin
Tell her where you've gone and been
Livin' out your fantasy
Sleepin' late and smokin' tea

Siūlomas pataisytas variantas



Komentarai (2)

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
Suraskite ir pridėkite norimus kūrinius, albumus arba grupes:

2011 m. sausio 28 d. 15:02:42
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
gera daina

Walleris (Užblokuotas)
2008 m. liepos 12 d. 21:31:59
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
nebloga daina smagiai klausosi, nors ir labai sena yra.

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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