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All Moving Parts (Stand Still)

Black Sabbath

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 1976 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Super animation, turning on a nation
And they're saying all moving parts stand still
Since he was elected, adrenalin injected
Hear him saying all moving parts should kill

Just like the hero, he's got them all on the run
Yes he's won, yeah

Since he passed the motion, they're building in the ocean
And he's saying all men should all be free
What a combination, peace and radiation
And he's saying free men should fight for me

Just like his mama, he seems to get his pleasure from pain
And the rain
Ain't that strange?
Very strange, yeah

I like choking toys
You've got to see me before you meet the boys
Teacher's burnt the school
He's had enough of sticking to the rules, alright

People stop and see
He's got to be more decadent than me
Just to pass the time
He gets his kicks from licking up the wine

Pretty silly ladies, all Cynthias and Sadies
Call him up and he takes their numbers down
Says he is a woman, should have seen it coming
And she says she's married to a clown

Just like a lady, she'll keep you guessing through the night
Not tonight
Well I might
Oh all right, yeah

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Super animation, turning on a nation
And they're saying all moving parts stand still
Since he was elected, adrenalin injected
Hear him saying all moving parts should kill

Just like the hero, he's got them all on the run
Yes he's won, yeah

Since he passed the motion, they're building in the ocean
And he's saying all men should all be free
What a combination, peace and radiation
And he's saying free men should fight for me

Just like his mama, he seems to get his pleasure from pain
And the rain
Ain't that strange?
Very strange, yeah

I like choking toys
You've got to see me before you meet the boys
Teacher's burnt the school
He's had enough of sticking to the rules, alright

People stop and see
He's got to be more decadent than me
Just to pass the time
He gets his kicks from licking up the wine

Pretty silly ladies, all Cynthias and Sadies
Call him up and he takes their numbers down
Says he is a woman, should have seen it coming
And she says she's married to a clown

Just like a lady, she'll keep you guessing through the night
Not tonight
Well I might
Oh all right, yeah

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