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Monkey Man

Amy Winehouse

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Stilius: Pop, R&B muzika
Data: 2006 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

This one's for the bouncers. Big, big Monkey Man

Aye aye aye, aye aye aye
Tell you baby, you huggin up the big monkey man
Aye aye aye, aye aye aye
Tell you baby, you huggin up the big monkey man

I never saw you, I only heard of you
huggin up the big monkey man
I never saw you, I only heard of you
huggin up the big monkey man

It's no lie, it's no lie
Them a tell me, you huggin up the big monkey man
It's no lie, it's no lie
Them a tell me, you huggin up the big monkey man

Now I know that, now I understand
You're turning a monkey on me
Now I know that, now I understand
You're turning a monkey on me

Aye aye aye, aye aye aye
Tell you baby, you huggin up the big monkey man
Aye aye aye, aye aye aye
Tell you baby, you huggin up the big monkey man

I was on my way to Banbury Cross,
Then I see a monkey upon a white horse
With rings on he fingers, bells on him toes
Sing a little song, wherever he be
'Cos he's a monkey, 'cos he's a monkey
'Cos he's a weedy little monkey man

Aye aye aye, aye aye aye
Tell you baby, you huggin up the big monkey man
Aye aye aye, aye aye aye
Tell you baby, you huggin up the big monkey man

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

This one's for the bouncers. Big, big Monkey Man

Aye aye aye, aye aye aye
Tell you baby, you huggin up the big monkey man
Aye aye aye, aye aye aye
Tell you baby, you huggin up the big monkey man

I never saw you, I only heard of you
huggin up the big monkey man
I never saw you, I only heard of you
huggin up the big monkey man

It's no lie, it's no lie
Them a tell me, you huggin up the big monkey man
It's no lie, it's no lie
Them a tell me, you huggin up the big monkey man

Now I know that, now I understand
You're turning a monkey on me
Now I know that, now I understand
You're turning a monkey on me

Aye aye aye, aye aye aye
Tell you baby, you huggin up the big monkey man
Aye aye aye, aye aye aye
Tell you baby, you huggin up the big monkey man

I was on my way to Banbury Cross,
Then I see a monkey upon a white horse
With rings on he fingers, bells on him toes
Sing a little song, wherever he be
'Cos he's a monkey, 'cos he's a monkey
'Cos he's a weedy little monkey man

Aye aye aye, aye aye aye
Tell you baby, you huggin up the big monkey man
Aye aye aye, aye aye aye
Tell you baby, you huggin up the big monkey man

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Komentarai (4)

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
Suraskite ir pridėkite norimus kūrinius, albumus arba grupes:

2016 m. liepos 24 d. 15:38:32 2016-07-24 16:23:09
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

čia reikėtų kažkaip pažymėti, jog tai yra ska grupės Toots & the Maytals dainos iš 1969-ųjų kover-versija.

„Bendrauti su žmonėmis yra bene didžiausia problema, su kuria jūs susiduriate”. Deilas Karnegis
2011 m. rugpjūčio 9 d. 21:11:16
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nieko visai

Under The Iron Sea
2010 m. birželio 30 d. 21:44:07
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Smagiai susiklauso.

Kol dešimt kartų pamatuosi, kiti nupjaus :)
2008 m. lapkričio 5 d. 19:36:17
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
linksma nesamoninga ir pralinksmina, o jai nepralinksimana tai nuliūdina si daina... ( ... lituviams tokios patinka...

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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