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An Excerpt from 6,000,000,000,000 Miles Before the First, or, the Revisitation of the Blue Ghost

maudlin of the Well

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Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2009 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

"I wept anew at the final words and the drawing
Silence of the Dynamo. The light and fire that
Split the sky still unhinged my soul, and fear
Again within my mind took root. I asked the
Fading Dynamo of the serpentine blaze which
Seemed to hold a life apart from the Trinity, and
Seemed stronger than their combined force. I
Wondered aloud at the infernal flames that
Wrapped like boiling vines about the clouds, and
Illuminated them with an aethereal glow, and
Shot down with all the speed of a blinking eye
Lost in thought and trying to count seconds. I
Was answered with the steady pulse, the rhythm
Of the waves that spun slowly atop the dreamily
Oozing altar within the sunken structure that had
No beginning or cause, save the toil of an immor-
Tall imagination. When I left the sea and the brine
And the undulating waves, the slight glow and
Shock still brushed against my flesh. I still could
Feel the pull of the great unknown Dynamo."

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

"I wept anew at the final words and the drawing
Silence of the Dynamo. The light and fire that
Split the sky still unhinged my soul, and fear
Again within my mind took root. I asked the
Fading Dynamo of the serpentine blaze which
Seemed to hold a life apart from the Trinity, and
Seemed stronger than their combined force. I
Wondered aloud at the infernal flames that
Wrapped like boiling vines about the clouds, and
Illuminated them with an aethereal glow, and
Shot down with all the speed of a blinking eye
Lost in thought and trying to count seconds. I
Was answered with the steady pulse, the rhythm
Of the waves that spun slowly atop the dreamily
Oozing altar within the sunken structure that had
No beginning or cause, save the toil of an immor-
Tall imagination. When I left the sea and the brine
And the undulating waves, the slight glow and
Shock still brushed against my flesh. I still could
Feel the pull of the great unknown Dynamo."

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