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As the World Burns

Vulture Industries

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2017 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

You are my antimatter
My antithesis
My Lucifer

With every bone I hate you
Deeply abominate you, my Lucifer

You are my antithesis
I'm Pontus, you are Jesus
My eternal foe

With ever breath despise you
Live to antagonize you, my Lucifer
My Lucifer
My Lucifer

My drug and benediction
Bilateral crucifixion
With my eternal foe

Cannot exist without you
In secret all devout to
To my eternal foe

For as long as the world stands,
As lovers holding hands,
Locked in a perpetual clasp
If one go both loose our grasp
In a fiendish dance
As the world burns around us.

My Lucifer [4x]

My dear nemesis [4x]

For as long as the world stands,
As lovers holding hands,
Locked in a perpetual clasp
If one go both loose our grasp

For as long as the world stands,
As lovers holding hands,
Locked in a perpetual clasp
If one go both loose our grasp
We'll forever dance
As the world burns around us,
Burns around us [3x]

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

You are my antimatter
My antithesis
My Lucifer

With every bone I hate you
Deeply abominate you, my Lucifer

You are my antithesis
I'm Pontus, you are Jesus
My eternal foe

With ever breath despise you
Live to antagonize you, my Lucifer
My Lucifer
My Lucifer

My drug and benediction
Bilateral crucifixion
With my eternal foe

Cannot exist without you
In secret all devout to
To my eternal foe

For as long as the world stands,
As lovers holding hands,
Locked in a perpetual clasp
If one go both loose our grasp
In a fiendish dance
As the world burns around us.

My Lucifer [4x]

My dear nemesis [4x]

For as long as the world stands,
As lovers holding hands,
Locked in a perpetual clasp
If one go both loose our grasp

For as long as the world stands,
As lovers holding hands,
Locked in a perpetual clasp
If one go both loose our grasp
We'll forever dance
As the world burns around us,
Burns around us [3x]

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