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Back Door


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1980 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

(Steve Walsh)
As I look out in the night
and count the stars all shining bright
I wonder where I am and where I'm going
Sometimes I think I've lived before
I seem to see beyond a door
But it's just a crazy notion I leave showing
I live my life as sensitive as possible then one day
Maybe I'll wake up young again
with feelings of a new day
But what we feel I know we'll, miss
and someday I'll look back at this
And know by then the life that we were meant for... but are you leaving
Leaving my back door

You want the world to give you some
you fight a war that's never won and you
Come back scarred 'caus you've seen who's really dying
You reach a point where nothing lasts
you play a part that someone casts you into
Now their machines keep right on lying
I want the world to be a place where no one comes to suffer
Just give the pain an empty place
away from one another
Let's seal our words with a kiss
'cause someday we'll look back at this
We'll know by then the life that we were meant for... but are you leaving
Leaving by my back door

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

(Steve Walsh)
As I look out in the night
and count the stars all shining bright
I wonder where I am and where I'm going
Sometimes I think I've lived before
I seem to see beyond a door
But it's just a crazy notion I leave showing
I live my life as sensitive as possible then one day
Maybe I'll wake up young again
with feelings of a new day
But what we feel I know we'll, miss
and someday I'll look back at this
And know by then the life that we were meant for... but are you leaving
Leaving my back door

You want the world to give you some
you fight a war that's never won and you
Come back scarred 'caus you've seen who's really dying
You reach a point where nothing lasts
you play a part that someone casts you into
Now their machines keep right on lying
I want the world to be a place where no one comes to suffer
Just give the pain an empty place
away from one another
Let's seal our words with a kiss
'cause someday we'll look back at this
We'll know by then the life that we were meant for... but are you leaving
Leaving by my back door

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