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Beast Inside


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2006 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Beast Inside

Nighttime meets us drunk
Ride on heavy fuel's wave
Suicidal and self-destructive
Hell to the bone 'til grave

Go fuckin' kill yourself
It just makes us stronger
In Lord Satan we all trust
Hell to the bone forever

Apocalypse incarnate
We bang heads for Satan
Alcoholocaust masters
We're on a death ride

Beast inside

The Evil inner-self breaks loose
Unleashed are the Demons
and the black of night we paint
With fuckin' blood and semen

Beast inside
Beast inside

Total chaos and destruction
That's the voice of the night
High on Infernal fire breath
We're in here for the fight!

Apocalypse incarnate
We bang heads for Satan
Alcoholocaust masters
We're on a death ride

Beast inside
Beast inside

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Esamas tekstas

Beast Inside

Nighttime meets us drunk
Ride on heavy fuel's wave
Suicidal and self-destructive
Hell to the bone 'til grave

Go fuckin' kill yourself
It just makes us stronger
In Lord Satan we all trust
Hell to the bone forever

Apocalypse incarnate
We bang heads for Satan
Alcoholocaust masters
We're on a death ride

Beast inside

The Evil inner-self breaks loose
Unleashed are the Demons
and the black of night we paint
With fuckin' blood and semen

Beast inside
Beast inside

Total chaos and destruction
That's the voice of the night
High on Infernal fire breath
We're in here for the fight!

Apocalypse incarnate
We bang heads for Satan
Alcoholocaust masters
We're on a death ride

Beast inside
Beast inside

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