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Behind Silence and Solitude

All That Remains

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2002 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Behind Silence And Solitude

you face me in silence and hope is in your eyes
unspoken yet pleading you wait for my reply
alone now i tremble in want of your embrace
let not tears fall for me, let me show the way

don't know why you have such belief in m
to justify this i'd try eternally
i will not forget what you've done for me
shed not a tear i'll be with you endlessly

how i wish i could say
what you want to hear
long ago i swore that i'd always keep you near
i know now it seems like my vow was empty then
but in time you will see i'd do it all again

i lie back close my eyes again
the dreams are there
my last chance slipped away
you'll never know i cared
i count this with reason as most of my regret
now i hope you can see that i will not forget

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Esamas tekstas

Behind Silence And Solitude

you face me in silence and hope is in your eyes
unspoken yet pleading you wait for my reply
alone now i tremble in want of your embrace
let not tears fall for me, let me show the way

don't know why you have such belief in m
to justify this i'd try eternally
i will not forget what you've done for me
shed not a tear i'll be with you endlessly

how i wish i could say
what you want to hear
long ago i swore that i'd always keep you near
i know now it seems like my vow was empty then
but in time you will see i'd do it all again

i lie back close my eyes again
the dreams are there
my last chance slipped away
you'll never know i cared
i count this with reason as most of my regret
now i hope you can see that i will not forget

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