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Better World / Livin' In The Dark


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Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 1993 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Better World / Livin' In The Dark

[Better World]

Can you feel
Can you heal
Can you steal the best
Of a million hearts around

It's the heart of a new generation
Waiting for a new world to be found

Money rules - only fools
Do you think we're blind
Well open up your eyes
We're not hot on success - just happiness
Now a new wish has arrived

I wanna better
I wanna better world

I wanna better
I wanna better world

That's better for you - that's better for me
Somebody we'll get it - eventually

I wanna better
I wanna better world

I wanna better
I wanna better world

[Livin' in the Dark]

Civil war in Jugoslawia
A flood disaster in India
An ozonehole in the atmosphere
A dirty air that we breathe in fear

Planet we call mother earth
You're burdened by every new child's birth
The worst plague between time and space
Are the creatures of the human race
The human race

We can't - we can't - we can't get another world for free
For free - we get no other one

Like livin' in the dark
We close our eyes
Like livin' in the dark
We're walking on ice

Like livin' in the dark
We're prayin' the price
Like livin' in the dark
Livin' sleepwalkin' lives
Sleepwalkin' lives

An earthquake in Los Angeles
A world disaster in full progress
Rainforests burning - it's all screwed up
A greenhouse effect is not to stop

We know and see but don't react
We don't face the hard facts
Too many people - too little space
For mankind it's almost too late
Almost too late

We can't - we can't - we can't get another world for free
For free - we get no other one

Like livin' in the dark
We close our eyes
Like livin' in the dark
We're walking on ice

Like livin' in the dark
We're prayin' the price
Like livin' in the dark
Livin' sleepwalkin' lives
Sleepwalkin' lives

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Esamas tekstas

Better World / Livin' In The Dark

[Better World]

Can you feel
Can you heal
Can you steal the best
Of a million hearts around

It's the heart of a new generation
Waiting for a new world to be found

Money rules - only fools
Do you think we're blind
Well open up your eyes
We're not hot on success - just happiness
Now a new wish has arrived

I wanna better
I wanna better world

I wanna better
I wanna better world

That's better for you - that's better for me
Somebody we'll get it - eventually

I wanna better
I wanna better world

I wanna better
I wanna better world

[Livin' in the Dark]

Civil war in Jugoslawia
A flood disaster in India
An ozonehole in the atmosphere
A dirty air that we breathe in fear

Planet we call mother earth
You're burdened by every new child's birth
The worst plague between time and space
Are the creatures of the human race
The human race

We can't - we can't - we can't get another world for free
For free - we get no other one

Like livin' in the dark
We close our eyes
Like livin' in the dark
We're walking on ice

Like livin' in the dark
We're prayin' the price
Like livin' in the dark
Livin' sleepwalkin' lives
Sleepwalkin' lives

An earthquake in Los Angeles
A world disaster in full progress
Rainforests burning - it's all screwed up
A greenhouse effect is not to stop

We know and see but don't react
We don't face the hard facts
Too many people - too little space
For mankind it's almost too late
Almost too late

We can't - we can't - we can't get another world for free
For free - we get no other one

Like livin' in the dark
We close our eyes
Like livin' in the dark
We're walking on ice

Like livin' in the dark
We're prayin' the price
Like livin' in the dark
Livin' sleepwalkin' lives
Sleepwalkin' lives

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