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Beyond All Suns

Tangerine Dream

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Stilius: Alternatyvioji muzika
Data: 2004 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Lyrics originally in Italian

Purgatorio Canto: X

Dante reaches the gate of Purgatory where an angel with a bare sword guards it. The angel is standing on the top of three steps which each represent an element in the process of the sacrament of confession. Dante bows down and begs to be let in out of pity. The angel takes out the keys of St. Peter- a silver key representing justice and a gold key representing mercy. Peter instructed the angel to err in opening the gate with the gold key as long as the sinner is sorrowful. The angel instructs Dante not to look back as he enters.

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Lyrics originally in Italian

Purgatorio Canto: X

Dante reaches the gate of Purgatory where an angel with a bare sword guards it. The angel is standing on the top of three steps which each represent an element in the process of the sacrament of confession. Dante bows down and begs to be let in out of pity. The angel takes out the keys of St. Peter- a silver key representing justice and a gold key representing mercy. Peter instructed the angel to err in opening the gate with the gold key as long as the sinner is sorrowful. The angel instructs Dante not to look back as he enters.

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