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Border Song

Elton John

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Pop, R&B muzika
Data: 1970 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Holy Moses I have been removed
I have seen the specter he has been here too
Distant cousin from down the line
Brand of people who ain't my kind
Holy Moses I have been removed

Holy Moses I have been deceived
Now the wind has changed direction and I'll have to leave
Won't you please excuse my frankness but it's not my cup of tea
Holy Moses I have been deceived

I'm going back to the border
Where my affairs, my affairs ain't abused
I can't take any more bad water
I've been poisoned from my head down to my shoes

Holy Moses I have been deceived
Holy Moses let us live in peace
Let us strive to find a way to make all hatred cease
There's a man over there what's his color I don't care
He's my brother let us live in peace
He's my brother let us live in peace
He's my brother let us live in peace

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Esamas tekstas

Holy Moses I have been removed
I have seen the specter he has been here too
Distant cousin from down the line
Brand of people who ain't my kind
Holy Moses I have been removed

Holy Moses I have been deceived
Now the wind has changed direction and I'll have to leave
Won't you please excuse my frankness but it's not my cup of tea
Holy Moses I have been deceived

I'm going back to the border
Where my affairs, my affairs ain't abused
I can't take any more bad water
I've been poisoned from my head down to my shoes

Holy Moses I have been deceived
Holy Moses let us live in peace
Let us strive to find a way to make all hatred cease
There's a man over there what's his color I don't care
He's my brother let us live in peace
He's my brother let us live in peace
He's my brother let us live in peace

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