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Brian Matthew interviews David / "Let Me Sleep Beside You"

David Bowie

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Alternatyvioji muzika
Data: 2009 m.

Baby baby, brush the dust of youth from off your shoulder
Because the years of fretting days is right behind you now
Don't return to fields of green where rainbow secrets were told
Place your ragged doll with all the toys and things and deeds
I will show you game where the winner never wins

Let your hair hang down
Wear the dress your mother wore
Let me sleep beside you

Lock away the childhood and throw away the key
For now the streets and city sounds will burn your eyes as coals
We shall drink the oldest wine and velvet skies will linger
Child, you're a woman now, your heart and soul are free
I will boldly light that lamp and we shall walk together

Let your hair hang down
Wear the dress your mother wore
Let me sleep beside you

Your darkened eyes throw mystery
But your lips are void of history
You could not imagine that it could happen this way, could you
I will give you dreams and I'll tell you things you'll like to hear

Let your hair hang down
Wear the dress your mother wore
Let me sleep beside you

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Baby baby, brush the dust of youth from off your shoulder
Because the years of fretting days is right behind you now
Don't return to fields of green where rainbow secrets were told
Place your ragged doll with all the toys and things and deeds
I will show you game where the winner never wins

Let your hair hang down
Wear the dress your mother wore
Let me sleep beside you

Lock away the childhood and throw away the key
For now the streets and city sounds will burn your eyes as coals
We shall drink the oldest wine and velvet skies will linger
Child, you're a woman now, your heart and soul are free
I will boldly light that lamp and we shall walk together

Let your hair hang down
Wear the dress your mother wore
Let me sleep beside you

Your darkened eyes throw mystery
But your lips are void of history
You could not imagine that it could happen this way, could you
I will give you dreams and I'll tell you things you'll like to hear

Let your hair hang down
Wear the dress your mother wore
Let me sleep beside you

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