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Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2006 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Hey, where were you today?
How did you escape?
The way no one gets away
Because no one's gone
Fate guided me to hate
Invited me to take the bait
Realized too late
That I was gone
Say, how can you explain
Person to the pain
And then sickness to the sane?
But it's all gone
Most of us get riled up
Justify the lies that we believe
Not enough to disbelieve them
I've been thinking you've been treating
Situations seemingly unkind
Stockade seems to still be working
Change of heart
Save yourself
So damn long

I get ashamed
So much sound
I kiss the ground

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Hey, where were you today?
How did you escape?
The way no one gets away
Because no one's gone
Fate guided me to hate
Invited me to take the bait
Realized too late
That I was gone
Say, how can you explain
Person to the pain
And then sickness to the sane?
But it's all gone
Most of us get riled up
Justify the lies that we believe
Not enough to disbelieve them
I've been thinking you've been treating
Situations seemingly unkind
Stockade seems to still be working
Change of heart
Save yourself
So damn long

I get ashamed
So much sound
I kiss the ground

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