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Buried Words


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2006 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

[Lyrics: Andreas Kisser]

The skies are open before me
The crowd of souls in sudden flight
Hoping for prayers in the world
Late repentant, no stain from hell

I thought the worst had, I thought the worst had past
Traitors of the people, they have no face
I will not trust what I can not see
None will have the time to strike a blow - the final blow
Hell - no stain from hell
Those fools are the ones we vote for
The kings and rules of negligence
Taking a nation to lead in decay
A shade announcing another law
Cannot believe I couldn't escape
No chance to leave this plague
I have to be cleansed, from all the blame
The final blow!

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Esamas tekstas

[Lyrics: Andreas Kisser]

The skies are open before me
The crowd of souls in sudden flight
Hoping for prayers in the world
Late repentant, no stain from hell

I thought the worst had, I thought the worst had past
Traitors of the people, they have no face
I will not trust what I can not see
None will have the time to strike a blow - the final blow
Hell - no stain from hell
Those fools are the ones we vote for
The kings and rules of negligence
Taking a nation to lead in decay
A shade announcing another law
Cannot believe I couldn't escape
No chance to leave this plague
I have to be cleansed, from all the blame
The final blow!

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