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C'Est La Vie


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 1995 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

C'est La Vie

An old man sat in the dark alley
Holding out his trembling hand
His dark eyes looked through a blanket
Wrapped in junk - out in the cold

Late at night we passed that alley
On our way down to the zoo
Life goes on without pity
On the streets of New York city

Is there a healing for a world almost dead?
Is there a healing for a world ravin' mad?

C'est la vie

Someone knocked somebody out
Drew a gun to take a life
In that game - a vicious circle
Losers die - winners survive

C'est la vie

Is there a healing for a world almost dead?
Is there a healing for a world ravin' mad?

C'est la vie
C'est la vie

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

C'est La Vie

An old man sat in the dark alley
Holding out his trembling hand
His dark eyes looked through a blanket
Wrapped in junk - out in the cold

Late at night we passed that alley
On our way down to the zoo
Life goes on without pity
On the streets of New York city

Is there a healing for a world almost dead?
Is there a healing for a world ravin' mad?

C'est la vie

Someone knocked somebody out
Drew a gun to take a life
In that game - a vicious circle
Losers die - winners survive

C'est la vie

Is there a healing for a world almost dead?
Is there a healing for a world ravin' mad?

C'est la vie
C'est la vie

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