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Kingdom Of Tyrants

Cattle Decapitation

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2012 m. gegužės 8 d.

Klausyti nemokamai

Murder the day, ring in the night
As I unfold my death bed down on the muddy ground
This soil is tainted
Every seeping wound unattended - infected
From the toils of man and his damning hand
A king has only to fall...

Weakening legs are breaking down
Punished, diseased, taking i tall...

Once we are freed, we'll starve again - instinctive mutation
Once we are bled, they'll start again - unnatural burden

Here in the garden
We know not what we do
Made to lie in pastures of filth
Left to die, guilty of nothing
If we were promised heaven
Then why are we in hell?

Murder the day, ring in the night
Screams slip through the door from the torture floor

This room to be a cemented tomb
Scraping raw my feet upon the bloodiest concrete
Death looms since conceived in the womb
Ever so slowly
Slows to a crawl on hands and knees and all

Dehumanization of a totally pathetic species (evolved feces)
Justified hatred for you humans
Justified vengeance on your worthless lives
Justified hatred for you humans
Justified vengeance on your worthless lives

Once we are freed, we'll starve again - instinctive mutation
Once we are bled, they'll start again - unnatural burden

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Murder the day, ring in the night
As I unfold my death bed down on the muddy ground
This soil is tainted
Every seeping wound unattended - infected
From the toils of man and his damning hand
A king has only to fall...

Weakening legs are breaking down
Punished, diseased, taking i tall...

Once we are freed, we'll starve again - instinctive mutation
Once we are bled, they'll start again - unnatural burden

Here in the garden
We know not what we do
Made to lie in pastures of filth
Left to die, guilty of nothing
If we were promised heaven
Then why are we in hell?

Murder the day, ring in the night
Screams slip through the door from the torture floor

This room to be a cemented tomb
Scraping raw my feet upon the bloodiest concrete
Death looms since conceived in the womb
Ever so slowly
Slows to a crawl on hands and knees and all

Dehumanization of a totally pathetic species (evolved feces)
Justified hatred for you humans
Justified vengeance on your worthless lives
Justified hatred for you humans
Justified vengeance on your worthless lives

Once we are freed, we'll starve again - instinctive mutation
Once we are bled, they'll start again - unnatural burden

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