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Like Tears In Rain


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Alternatyvioji muzika
Data: 2000 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Go to the empire state and watch the city lights
Hear the noise of millions struggle in the sprawl
Stare into the sky we're few and far between
Black eyes full of stars wide with memories

Every street I ever walked
Every home I ever had
Is lost

Every flower I ever held
Every spring I ever had
Has died

Every man I ever knew
Every woman I ever had
Is gone

Everything I ever touched
Every thing I ever had
Has died

Lie down in the park and watch the satellites
Hear the children sing just a breath away
Dance in the heavy air along the interstate
Black lung full of fumes choke on memories

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Go to the empire state and watch the city lights
Hear the noise of millions struggle in the sprawl
Stare into the sky we're few and far between
Black eyes full of stars wide with memories

Every street I ever walked
Every home I ever had
Is lost

Every flower I ever held
Every spring I ever had
Has died

Every man I ever knew
Every woman I ever had
Is gone

Everything I ever touched
Every thing I ever had
Has died

Lie down in the park and watch the satellites
Hear the children sing just a breath away
Dance in the heavy air along the interstate
Black lung full of fumes choke on memories

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