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Clan of Xymox

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Kitų stilių muzika
Data: 1999 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

A shadow glides above my plate
And all I see is birds migrate
Going south, remember me
When you fly above the sea
Autumn dies serene and slow
The lamp stands in a gentle glow
The silence rules, the evening grows
And the moon is far below

In me twist a sudden cramp
In my heart I hear it stamp
Marrow and blood encircle me
My blood stream chokes on gall and spleen
What will become of you
Since you have forsaken me
Not one tear I have in me
I am numb to my memory

I'll believe than that you're dead
First I felt bitter, I made amends
But I see you in a new light
You only have my contempt
So I'll believe than that you're dead
Second you're a loser, I spit on pretence

And I begin to wonder, and I begin to understand
That, you're a creature that breeds it's kind and dies
You're a creature that breeds and kind of dies
You're a creature that breeds it's kind and dies
You're a creature that breeds it's kind and dies
You're a creature that breeds it's kind and dies
You're a creature that breeds it's kind and dies

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

A shadow glides above my plate
And all I see is birds migrate
Going south, remember me
When you fly above the sea
Autumn dies serene and slow
The lamp stands in a gentle glow
The silence rules, the evening grows
And the moon is far below

In me twist a sudden cramp
In my heart I hear it stamp
Marrow and blood encircle me
My blood stream chokes on gall and spleen
What will become of you
Since you have forsaken me
Not one tear I have in me
I am numb to my memory

I'll believe than that you're dead
First I felt bitter, I made amends
But I see you in a new light
You only have my contempt
So I'll believe than that you're dead
Second you're a loser, I spit on pretence

And I begin to wonder, and I begin to understand
That, you're a creature that breeds it's kind and dies
You're a creature that breeds and kind of dies
You're a creature that breeds it's kind and dies
You're a creature that breeds it's kind and dies
You're a creature that breeds it's kind and dies
You're a creature that breeds it's kind and dies

Siūlomas pataisytas variantas



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