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Stilius: Alternatyvioji muzika
Data: 2014 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

I 'm not what you say i am.
I will not be what you tell me to be.
You stare at me through a prism of delusion, of hatred, of propaganda
and i refuse to see me myself in your lies.
You try to turn me into a barren anecdote a whispered slur a vile fairy tale to fill the ***
but I will not be the mirror for your self loathing.
You use accusations as weapons
scarring me where no blade can pierce.
But I will not plead guilty to your crimes.
I will not perform a spastic puppet dance
to the lying chorus of your psyche
And yet
rip me enough and you will see.
Spread your disease amongst my friends, my family, my loved ones
and you will learn.
You will learn what i can be.
They say a lunatic is simply a minority of
I will embrace that madness that loneliness that
hopeless insanity
and show you,
I 'll show you everything you never wanted to see
and I 'll finally be
what you never truly wanted me
to be.

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

I 'm not what you say i am.
I will not be what you tell me to be.
You stare at me through a prism of delusion, of hatred, of propaganda
and i refuse to see me myself in your lies.
You try to turn me into a barren anecdote a whispered slur a vile fairy tale to fill the ***
but I will not be the mirror for your self loathing.
You use accusations as weapons
scarring me where no blade can pierce.
But I will not plead guilty to your crimes.
I will not perform a spastic puppet dance
to the lying chorus of your psyche
And yet
rip me enough and you will see.
Spread your disease amongst my friends, my family, my loved ones
and you will learn.
You will learn what i can be.
They say a lunatic is simply a minority of
I will embrace that madness that loneliness that
hopeless insanity
and show you,
I 'll show you everything you never wanted to see
and I 'll finally be
what you never truly wanted me
to be.

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