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Honest Questions

Daniel Bedingfield

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Elektroninė, šokių muzika
Data: 2002 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Can you see
The honest questions in my heart this hour?
I'm opening like a flower to the rain
And do you know
The silent sorrows of a
Never ending journey through the pain

Do you see a brighter day for me?
Another day?
A day?
Do you wonder what's in store for me?
The cure for me?
The way?

Oh look down and see the tears I've cried
The lives I've lived
The deaths I've died
You died them too
And all for me
And you say:

"I will pour my water down
Upon a thirsty barren land
And streams will flow from the dust of
Your bruised and broken soul
You will grow like the grass
Upon the fertile plains of Asia
By the streams of living water
You will grow
You will grow"

Do you know
My story from the start?
And do you know me
Like you've always told me?
Do you see?
The whispers in my heart against your kindness
My eternal blindness
Do you see?

Do you see a brighter day for me?
Another day?
A day?
Do you wonder what's in store for me?
The cure for me?
The way?

Oh look down and see the tears I've cried
The lives I've lived
The deaths I've died
You died them too
And all for me
And you say:

"I will pour my water down
Upon a thirsty barren land
And streams will flow from the dust of
Your bruised and broken soul
You will grow like the grass
Upon the fertile plains of Asia
By the streams of living water
You will grow

I will pour my water down
Upon a thirsty barren land
And streams will flow from the dust of
Your bruised and broken soul
You will grow like the grass
Upon the fertile plains of Asia
By the streams of living water
You will grow
You will grow

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Can you see
The honest questions in my heart this hour?
I'm opening like a flower to the rain
And do you know
The silent sorrows of a
Never ending journey through the pain

Do you see a brighter day for me?
Another day?
A day?
Do you wonder what's in store for me?
The cure for me?
The way?

Oh look down and see the tears I've cried
The lives I've lived
The deaths I've died
You died them too
And all for me
And you say:

"I will pour my water down
Upon a thirsty barren land
And streams will flow from the dust of
Your bruised and broken soul
You will grow like the grass
Upon the fertile plains of Asia
By the streams of living water
You will grow
You will grow"

Do you know
My story from the start?
And do you know me
Like you've always told me?
Do you see?
The whispers in my heart against your kindness
My eternal blindness
Do you see?

Do you see a brighter day for me?
Another day?
A day?
Do you wonder what's in store for me?
The cure for me?
The way?

Oh look down and see the tears I've cried
The lives I've lived
The deaths I've died
You died them too
And all for me
And you say:

"I will pour my water down
Upon a thirsty barren land
And streams will flow from the dust of
Your bruised and broken soul
You will grow like the grass
Upon the fertile plains of Asia
By the streams of living water
You will grow

I will pour my water down
Upon a thirsty barren land
And streams will flow from the dust of
Your bruised and broken soul
You will grow like the grass
Upon the fertile plains of Asia
By the streams of living water
You will grow
You will grow

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