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Werewolf Heart

Dead Man's Bones

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Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2009 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

You'd look nice in a grave.
I smile at the moon; death is on my face
And if you wait too long,
Then you'll never see the dawn again

"My skull is full of sunken ships,
My heart's a prisoner to my ribs,
We're flesh & bone when we're all alone,
But together, forever, we'll live"

There's gold in my heart,
But the winds took my sails through the dark,
And if you wait too long,
then you'll never see the dawn again.

"He filled my heart, I did my best.
But without the sun, I'm only shadows in a dress.
'Cause if the full moon comes, our love is done,
So forever, towards dark, we rise"

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

You'd look nice in a grave.
I smile at the moon; death is on my face
And if you wait too long,
Then you'll never see the dawn again

"My skull is full of sunken ships,
My heart's a prisoner to my ribs,
We're flesh & bone when we're all alone,
But together, forever, we'll live"

There's gold in my heart,
But the winds took my sails through the dark,
And if you wait too long,
then you'll never see the dawn again.

"He filled my heart, I did my best.
But without the sun, I'm only shadows in a dress.
'Cause if the full moon comes, our love is done,
So forever, towards dark, we rise"

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