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Stand Up and Shout


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 1983 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

It's the same old song
You've gotta be somewhere at sometime
They never let you fly

It's like broken glass
You get cut before you see it
So open up your eyes

You've got desire
So let it out
You've got the fire
Stand up and shout-shout

You've got wings of steel
But they never really move you
You only seem to crawl

You've been nailed to the wheel
But never really turning
You know you've got to want it all

You've got desire
So let it out
You've got the fire
Stand up and shout

You are the strongest chain
And not just some reflection
So never hide again

You are the driver
You own the road
You are the fire go on explode

You've got desire
So let it out
You've got the power
Stand up and shout

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

It's the same old song
You've gotta be somewhere at sometime
They never let you fly

It's like broken glass
You get cut before you see it
So open up your eyes

You've got desire
So let it out
You've got the fire
Stand up and shout-shout

You've got wings of steel
But they never really move you
You only seem to crawl

You've been nailed to the wheel
But never really turning
You know you've got to want it all

You've got desire
So let it out
You've got the fire
Stand up and shout

You are the strongest chain
And not just some reflection
So never hide again

You are the driver
You own the road
You are the fire go on explode

You've got desire
So let it out
You've got the power
Stand up and shout

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