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Calling Elvis

Dire Straits

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1991 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

calling elvis - is anybody home
calling elvis - I'm here all alone
did he leave the building
or can he come to the phone
calling elvis - I'm here all alone

well tell him I was calling just to wish him well
let me leave my number - heartbreak hotel
oh love me tender - baby dob't be cruel
return to sender - treat me like a fool

calling elvis - is anybody home
calling elvis - I'm here all alone
did he leave the building
or can he come to the phone
calling elvis - I'm here all alone

why don't you go get him - I'm his biggest fan
you gotta tell him - he's still the man
long distance baby - so far from home
don't you think maybe you could put him on

well tell him I was calling just to wish him well
let me leave my number - heartbreak hotel
oh love me tender - baby dob't be cruel
return to sender - treat me like a fool

calling elvis - is anybody home
calling elvis - I'm here all alone
did he leave the building
or can he come to the phone
calling elvis - I'm here all alone

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

calling elvis - is anybody home
calling elvis - I'm here all alone
did he leave the building
or can he come to the phone
calling elvis - I'm here all alone

well tell him I was calling just to wish him well
let me leave my number - heartbreak hotel
oh love me tender - baby dob't be cruel
return to sender - treat me like a fool

calling elvis - is anybody home
calling elvis - I'm here all alone
did he leave the building
or can he come to the phone
calling elvis - I'm here all alone

why don't you go get him - I'm his biggest fan
you gotta tell him - he's still the man
long distance baby - so far from home
don't you think maybe you could put him on

well tell him I was calling just to wish him well
let me leave my number - heartbreak hotel
oh love me tender - baby dob't be cruel
return to sender - treat me like a fool

calling elvis - is anybody home
calling elvis - I'm here all alone
did he leave the building
or can he come to the phone
calling elvis - I'm here all alone

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