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No Coke

Dr. Alban

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Elektroninė, šokių muzika
Data: 1990 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Hip hop reggae inna dance hall style Do say Dr.Alban tellin' everybody!
Cocain will blow your brain and ecstasy will mash your life!
Cocain will blow your brain and ecstasy will mash your life!
2 O'clock on a friday mornin' come a gun man, come a knife man,
Knife of the bouncer, mash of the cars. On the run come a Kings street.
There he was arrested, and tested And the drugs he had on him,
he confested Mi callin' on the youth in this country. Whole heap of boys,
Whole heap of girls. Drug abuse is a dangerous thing.
Stay out of drugs and stop the violence Inna dis hard time you have abuse drug
Listen what 'ya say end hear my point of view. Too much drugs you can go mental
Da say Dr. Alban tellin' everybody.
We no want no coke no heroin
No hasch-hasch no amphetamin

Cocain will blow your brain and ecstasy will mash your life !
Cocain will blow your brain and ecstasy will mash your life !

Drug pushing is a serious thing One time two time the make a million.
Take all the money a run foreign country. Build a big house buy a big limousine.
Das why I man come so you for do the right thing. Das why Jah Jah send me
to tell them the truth. Cause is a disgrace to the human race.
Some are flyin' very high and some are flyin' ver low. Could not differenciate what is right from wrong.
We no want no coke no heroin h
No hasch hasch no amfetamin
No marijuana planted inna mi yard

Mi have one friend them call him Denniz Pop. Him have a little son them a call him Daniel.
Him live a two room inna Stockholm City. One color TV, two stereo.
He is a DJ-Producer of higher quality. Him no deal with booze and abuse of drug.
That's why mi give him thanks and praise Jah Jah knows.
We play heavy rhythm inna dance hall style. Hip-hop reggae soul funk and blues.
Why crack in the morning crack in the evening.
Why crack in the night and crack non - stop
We no want no coke no heroin

Susiję įrašai:

Atnaujinti albumai nuripintų plokštelių skambesiu

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Esamas tekstas

Hip hop reggae inna dance hall style Do say Dr.Alban tellin' everybody!
Cocain will blow your brain and ecstasy will mash your life!
Cocain will blow your brain and ecstasy will mash your life!
2 O'clock on a friday mornin' come a gun man, come a knife man,
Knife of the bouncer, mash of the cars. On the run come a Kings street.
There he was arrested, and tested And the drugs he had on him,
he confested Mi callin' on the youth in this country. Whole heap of boys,
Whole heap of girls. Drug abuse is a dangerous thing.
Stay out of drugs and stop the violence Inna dis hard time you have abuse drug
Listen what 'ya say end hear my point of view. Too much drugs you can go mental
Da say Dr. Alban tellin' everybody.
We no want no coke no heroin
No hasch-hasch no amphetamin

Cocain will blow your brain and ecstasy will mash your life !
Cocain will blow your brain and ecstasy will mash your life !

Drug pushing is a serious thing One time two time the make a million.
Take all the money a run foreign country. Build a big house buy a big limousine.
Das why I man come so you for do the right thing. Das why Jah Jah send me
to tell them the truth. Cause is a disgrace to the human race.
Some are flyin' very high and some are flyin' ver low. Could not differenciate what is right from wrong.
We no want no coke no heroin h
No hasch hasch no amfetamin
No marijuana planted inna mi yard

Mi have one friend them call him Denniz Pop. Him have a little son them a call him Daniel.
Him live a two room inna Stockholm City. One color TV, two stereo.
He is a DJ-Producer of higher quality. Him no deal with booze and abuse of drug.
That's why mi give him thanks and praise Jah Jah knows.
We play heavy rhythm inna dance hall style. Hip-hop reggae soul funk and blues.
Why crack in the morning crack in the evening.
Why crack in the night and crack non - stop
We no want no coke no heroin

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Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
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2018 m. rugpjūčio 26 d. 23:21:07
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

Jokio kokso, jokios marihuanos, ... Jokių kitų narkotikų!!!!! Vatāpva

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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