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Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1986 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

The sun still shines way up above
But it don't matter now because
The dream is gone
The dream is just a memory (oh, yeah)
If you see my dream, send it back home to me.

The stars still glow up in the night
But somehow, they don't seem so bright
The dream is gone
The dream is just a memory (oh, yeah)
If you see my dream, send it back home to me.

'Cos I've been waiting for a long, long time
Thought I'd found a way
Now I just wait for someone to call
I'm waiting for it every day.

Send it -- on the wires
Send it -- on a plane
Send it -- on an express
But send it back to me again.

The music plays so loud and clear
But somehow I can't make you hear
The dream is gone
The dream is just a memory (oh, yeah)
If you see my dream, send it back home to me.

When you get what you want, it's a long way down
And you can see for miles around
When you lose it, nothing is for real
If you see my dream, send it back to me.



Send it (send it, send it)
Send it
Send it (send it, send it)
Send it on the wires (send it, send it)
Send it on a plane...

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

The sun still shines way up above
But it don't matter now because
The dream is gone
The dream is just a memory (oh, yeah)
If you see my dream, send it back home to me.

The stars still glow up in the night
But somehow, they don't seem so bright
The dream is gone
The dream is just a memory (oh, yeah)
If you see my dream, send it back home to me.

'Cos I've been waiting for a long, long time
Thought I'd found a way
Now I just wait for someone to call
I'm waiting for it every day.

Send it -- on the wires
Send it -- on a plane
Send it -- on an express
But send it back to me again.

The music plays so loud and clear
But somehow I can't make you hear
The dream is gone
The dream is just a memory (oh, yeah)
If you see my dream, send it back home to me.

When you get what you want, it's a long way down
And you can see for miles around
When you lose it, nothing is for real
If you see my dream, send it back to me.



Send it (send it, send it)
Send it
Send it (send it, send it)
Send it on the wires (send it, send it)
Send it on a plane...

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