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Fuckin' Perfect


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Pop, R&B muzika
Data: 2011 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Made a wrong turn
Once or twice
Dug my way out
Blood and fire
Bad decisions
That’s alright
Welcome to my silly life
Mistreated, misplaced, missundaztood
Miss “no way it’s all good”
It didn’t slow me down
Always second guessing
Look, I’m still around…

Pretty, pretty please
Don’t you ever, ever feel
Like your less than
Fuckin’ perfect
Pretty, pretty please
If you ever, ever feel
Like your nothing
You’re fuckin’ perfect to me

You’re so mean
When you talk
About yourself
You are wrong
Change the voices
In your head
Make them like you
So complicated
Look how big you’ll make it
Filled with so much hatred
Such a tired game
It’s enough
I’ve done all i can think of
Chased down all my demons
see you same

Pretty, pretty please
Don’t you ever, ever feel
Like your less than
Fuckin’ perfect
Pretty, pretty please
If you ever, ever feel
Like your nothing

You’re fuckin’ perfect to me
The world stares while i swallow the fear
The only thing i should be drinking is an ice cold beer
So cool in lying and I tried tried
But we try too hard, it’s a waste of my time
Done looking for the critics, cuz they’re everywhere
They don’t like my genes, they don’t get my hair
Stringe ourselves and we do it all the time
Why do we do that?
Why do I do that?
Why do I do that?

Ooh, pretty pretty pretty,
Pretty pretty please don’t you ever ever feel
Like you’re less then, fuckin’ perfect
Pretty pretty please if you ever ever feel
Like you’re nothing you’re fuckin’ perfect, to me
You’re perfect
You’re perfect
Pretty, pretty please don’t you ever ever feel like you’re less then, fucking perfect
Pretty, pretty please if you ever ever feel like you’re nothing you’re fucking perfect to me

 2014-06-30  Silentist - P!nk - Besidulkinanti Idealiai (Fucking Perfect)

Apdovanojimų nominacijos:
2012 Grammy - Geriausias solinis pop atlikimas
2011 MTV - Geriausias vaizdo klipas su žinute
Topai ir rinkimai: TOP 40 - Savaičių tope: 22, aukščiausia vieta: 10
Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Made a wrong turn
Once or twice
Dug my way out
Blood and fire
Bad decisions
That’s alright
Welcome to my silly life
Mistreated, misplaced, missundaztood
Miss “no way it’s all good”
It didn’t slow me down
Always second guessing
Look, I’m still around…

Pretty, pretty please
Don’t you ever, ever feel
Like your less than
Fuckin’ perfect
Pretty, pretty please
If you ever, ever feel
Like your nothing
You’re fuckin’ perfect to me

You’re so mean
When you talk
About yourself
You are wrong
Change the voices
In your head
Make them like you
So complicated
Look how big you’ll make it
Filled with so much hatred
Such a tired game
It’s enough
I’ve done all i can think of
Chased down all my demons
see you same

Pretty, pretty please
Don’t you ever, ever feel
Like your less than
Fuckin’ perfect
Pretty, pretty please
If you ever, ever feel
Like your nothing

You’re fuckin’ perfect to me
The world stares while i swallow the fear
The only thing i should be drinking is an ice cold beer
So cool in lying and I tried tried
But we try too hard, it’s a waste of my time
Done looking for the critics, cuz they’re everywhere
They don’t like my genes, they don’t get my hair
Stringe ourselves and we do it all the time
Why do we do that?
Why do I do that?
Why do I do that?

Ooh, pretty pretty pretty,
Pretty pretty please don’t you ever ever feel
Like you’re less then, fuckin’ perfect
Pretty pretty please if you ever ever feel
Like you’re nothing you’re fuckin’ perfect, to me
You’re perfect
You’re perfect
Pretty, pretty please don’t you ever ever feel like you’re less then, fucking perfect
Pretty, pretty please if you ever ever feel like you’re nothing you’re fucking perfect to me

Siūlomas pataisytas variantas



Komentarai (10)

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
Suraskite ir pridėkite norimus kūrinius, albumus arba grupes:

2012 m. balandžio 14 d. 09:59:34
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

 Išeinu priešais, sutinku su dainos žodžiais {#}

Hmmm... dėdu jėgas, siekiant daryti ribas, apibrėžti nuo tokios muzikos 

Bet man labai patiko žodzžiai dainos (kaip sakiau) tad aš duodu 9/10 (tas mano vertinimo matavimo prietaisų lentelė su padalomis ir skaičiais yra LABAI GERAI)  {#}

2011 m. gegužės 17 d. 23:20:30
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
hm... STengiuos atsiribot nuo tokios muzikos ir ką čia bepridursi 3/10 (kas mano vertinimo skalėj yra visai gerai)

2011 m. gegužės 8 d. 10:15:31
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

2011 m. balandžio 30 d. 11:40:15
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
pink kuo tolyn tuo geryn

2011 m. balandžio 20 d. 15:00:46
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
gera daina,ir klipas tai pat 10/10

2011 m. balandžio 2 d. 23:01:47
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

Tie, kurie atvyksta į jūsų gyvenimo istoriją ir sutepa jūsų puslapius, neturi teisės užimti jūsų vietos. Tiesiog išplėškite juos.
2011 m. kovo 20 d. 19:40:07
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
Daina tikrai tokia fukking perfect!!!!

They say that the world was built for two.. Only worth living if somebody is loving you..
2011 m. vasario 9 d. 19:11:25
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
As myliu ja nerealiai negaliu nustot dainuot ir klausyt galvoj skamba ir skamba

2011 m. sausio 22 d. 18:26:42
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
perklausiau ja paciu tinkamiausiu metu - kai man susiktai blogai... todel man sita daina ir patiko...

2011 m. sausio 16 d. 17:38:34
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
patiko dainos žodžiai...

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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