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Giving Up The Gun

Vampire Weekend

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2010 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Your sword’s grown old and rusty
Burnt beneath the rising sun
It’s locked up like a trophy
Forgetting all the things it’s done

And though it’s been a long time
You’re right back where you started from
I see it in your eyes
That now you’re giving up the gun

When I was 17
I had wrists like steel
And I felt complete

And now my body fades
Behind a brass charade
And I’m obsolete

But if the chance remained
To see those better days
I’d cut the cannons down

My ears are blown to bits
From all the rifle hits
But I still crave that sound


I heard you play guitar
Down at a seedy bar
Where skinheads used to fight

Your Tokugawa smile
And your garbage style
Used to save the night

You felt the coming wave
Told me we’d all be brave
You said you wouldn’t flinch

But in the years that passed
Since I saw you last
You haven’t moved an inch


I see you shine in your way
Go on, go on, go on


Topai ir rinkimai:
2010 NME - 2010 m. geriausių dainų TOP 75 #53 TOP 40 - Savaičių tope: 1, aukščiausia vieta: 40
Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Your sword’s grown old and rusty
Burnt beneath the rising sun
It’s locked up like a trophy
Forgetting all the things it’s done

And though it’s been a long time
You’re right back where you started from
I see it in your eyes
That now you’re giving up the gun

When I was 17
I had wrists like steel
And I felt complete

And now my body fades
Behind a brass charade
And I’m obsolete

But if the chance remained
To see those better days
I’d cut the cannons down

My ears are blown to bits
From all the rifle hits
But I still crave that sound


I heard you play guitar
Down at a seedy bar
Where skinheads used to fight

Your Tokugawa smile
And your garbage style
Used to save the night

You felt the coming wave
Told me we’d all be brave
You said you wouldn’t flinch

But in the years that passed
Since I saw you last
You haven’t moved an inch


I see you shine in your way
Go on, go on, go on


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Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
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2010 m. vasario 28 d. 22:18:58
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
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Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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