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Rebel Yell


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika

Klausyti nemokamai

Last night a little dancer came dancin' to my door
Last night my little angel came pumpin' on the floor
She said, come on, baby, I got a license for love
And if it expires, pray help from above


Because in the midnight hour, she cried more, more, more
With a rebel yell, she cried more, more, more
In the midnight hour, baby, more, more, more
more, more, more

She don't like slavery, she won't sit and beg
But when I'm tired and lonely, she sees me to bed
What set you free and brought you to me, baby
What set you free, I need you here by me


He lives in his own heaven
Collects it to go from 7-11
Well, he's out all night to collect a fare
Just as long, just as long it don't mess up his hair
I walked the walls for you babe
A thousand miles for you
I dried your tears of pain
666 times for you
I'd sell my soul for you, babe
For money to burn just for you
I'd give you all and have none, babe
Just-a-just-a-just-a-just-a to have you here by me


Billy Idol Billy Idol
Rebel Yell
Palaikyti šią dainą


Dainų dvikova


Palaikyti šią dainą
Rebel Yell
Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Last night a little dancer came dancin' to my door
Last night my little angel came pumpin' on the floor
She said, come on, baby, I got a license for love
And if it expires, pray help from above


Because in the midnight hour, she cried more, more, more
With a rebel yell, she cried more, more, more
In the midnight hour, baby, more, more, more
more, more, more

She don't like slavery, she won't sit and beg
But when I'm tired and lonely, she sees me to bed
What set you free and brought you to me, baby
What set you free, I need you here by me


He lives in his own heaven
Collects it to go from 7-11
Well, he's out all night to collect a fare
Just as long, just as long it don't mess up his hair
I walked the walls for you babe
A thousand miles for you
I dried your tears of pain
666 times for you
I'd sell my soul for you, babe
For money to burn just for you
I'd give you all and have none, babe
Just-a-just-a-just-a-just-a to have you here by me

Siūlomas pataisytas variantas



Komentarai (2)

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
Suraskite ir pridėkite norimus kūrinius, albumus arba grupes:

2013 m. vasario 13 d. 20:06:12
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

Įmečiau gyvą versiją iš ,,Rock Am Ring 2008''. Kokybiškesnė ir priedainis girdisi. :)

2012 m. kovo 10 d. 18:03:16 2012-09-16 15:01:56
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!

Gaila, kad nelabai girdisi priedainis, bet čia gal taip turi būti, nes įrašyta kaip ir iš koncerto. O labai patinka, kad dar pridėjo savų žodžių ir savo firminį 666 :) Iš tiesų puiki daina, manau, vežanti ir pakili.

Gaila, kad Dievas mūsų nebepageidauja čia.
Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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