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No Doubt

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika

Klausyti nemokamai

I'm like a trend
I'm back and forth
Torture myself
Like a modern lady Jane
Not satisfied
Not good enough
I want it all
In an old familiar way
I'm out of time
Everything's changed
I've changed a lot
I don't recognize this face
But the truth is you’re gold
You can't get something that you already have
I already have you to hold
Forgive me if I'm being rude, blame my ever-changing mood

I know that it's true
That I know that it's you
You are my heaven
Why can't I see that you're so good for me?
You are my heaven
Designer love maker
I wanna give you my attention
Baby you're my heaven
I'm in heaven, heaven

Magnetic flash
Can't stop my domino effect
Just a little give and take
Starts making sense
You pull me in
I'm finding out
That it's something I just can't fake
But the truth is you're gold
You can't get something that you already have
I already have you to hold
Forgive me if I'm being rude, blame my ever-changing mood

I know that it's true
That I know that it's you
You are my heaven
Why can't I see that you're so good for me?
You are my heaven
Designer love maker
I wanna give you my attention
Baby you're my heaven
I'm in heaven, heaven

Don't have to get technical
You know that I want you
Don't have to get technical
You know that I need you
Don't have to get technical
You know that I want you
Don't have to get technical
You know that I need you
Don't have to get technical
You know that I want you
Don't have to get technical
You know that I need you
Don't have to get technical
You know that I want you
Don't have to get technical
Forgive me if I'm being rude, blame my ever-changing mood

I know that it's true
That I know that it's you
You are my heaven
Why can't I see that you're so good for me?
You are my heaven
Designer love maker
I wanna give you my attention
Baby you're my heaven
Baby you're my heaven
Baby you're my heaven

If I forget will
You remind me?
If I escape will
You come find me?
Then you'll see
I'll be there
I'll be there

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

I'm like a trend
I'm back and forth
Torture myself
Like a modern lady Jane
Not satisfied
Not good enough
I want it all
In an old familiar way
I'm out of time
Everything's changed
I've changed a lot
I don't recognize this face
But the truth is you’re gold
You can't get something that you already have
I already have you to hold
Forgive me if I'm being rude, blame my ever-changing mood

I know that it's true
That I know that it's you
You are my heaven
Why can't I see that you're so good for me?
You are my heaven
Designer love maker
I wanna give you my attention
Baby you're my heaven
I'm in heaven, heaven

Magnetic flash
Can't stop my domino effect
Just a little give and take
Starts making sense
You pull me in
I'm finding out
That it's something I just can't fake
But the truth is you're gold
You can't get something that you already have
I already have you to hold
Forgive me if I'm being rude, blame my ever-changing mood

I know that it's true
That I know that it's you
You are my heaven
Why can't I see that you're so good for me?
You are my heaven
Designer love maker
I wanna give you my attention
Baby you're my heaven
I'm in heaven, heaven

Don't have to get technical
You know that I want you
Don't have to get technical
You know that I need you
Don't have to get technical
You know that I want you
Don't have to get technical
You know that I need you
Don't have to get technical
You know that I want you
Don't have to get technical
You know that I need you
Don't have to get technical
You know that I want you
Don't have to get technical
Forgive me if I'm being rude, blame my ever-changing mood

I know that it's true
That I know that it's you
You are my heaven
Why can't I see that you're so good for me?
You are my heaven
Designer love maker
I wanna give you my attention
Baby you're my heaven
Baby you're my heaven
Baby you're my heaven

If I forget will
You remind me?
If I escape will
You come find me?
Then you'll see
I'll be there
I'll be there

Siūlomas pataisytas variantas



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