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Hell Rider

Metal Messiah

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Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2013 m.

Venom flowing through his veins poison he creates
He’ll keep coming back for you no matter what it takes
Beast no more of flesh and bone satan scarred his soul
A blasphemy, monstrosity straight from hell’s hole

[pre chorus]

Black is the night, unholy blight
Feeling his presence draw near
Ready to fight, no turning back
Warriors tremble in fear


Death of humanity is ever so near
Come join the dead to spread chaos and fear

Fearsomes beast’s brutality has never been of course
Deranged minds of helpless knight now he controls
Spreading terros ‘cross the land with reasons unknown
Lose all hope, he’ll never stop, humanity is doomed

[pre chorus]

Red flowing through, he’s looking for you
Blood and violence will follow
Truth are the lies, humanity dies
The end with no new beginning


Topai ir rinkimai:
2013 Lietuvos muzikos atradimai - Lietuvos muzikos atradimai | Nr. 21 TOP 30 - Savaičių tope: 12, aukščiausia vieta: 9
Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Venom flowing through his veins poison he creates
He’ll keep coming back for you no matter what it takes
Beast no more of flesh and bone satan scarred his soul
A blasphemy, monstrosity straight from hell’s hole

[pre chorus]

Black is the night, unholy blight
Feeling his presence draw near
Ready to fight, no turning back
Warriors tremble in fear


Death of humanity is ever so near
Come join the dead to spread chaos and fear

Fearsomes beast’s brutality has never been of course
Deranged minds of helpless knight now he controls
Spreading terros ‘cross the land with reasons unknown
Lose all hope, he’ll never stop, humanity is doomed

[pre chorus]

Red flowing through, he’s looking for you
Blood and violence will follow
Truth are the lies, humanity dies
The end with no new beginning


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