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Here Am I

Uriah Heep

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika

Klausyti nemokamai

I sit in my sunny chair
With my head held low
I know the reason I'm dreaming
It's really been fun
But where is there left to go
Save to give my life a new meaning

And if by chance
You'd come my way
I'll have to say
Here am I, give me love
Here am I, give me love

How was I to know
Your heart was unsatisfied
When you never troubled to tell me
No wish that you made to me
Ever was denied
I played it just the way
That it should be

But then you turned
And walked away
I have to say
Here am I, give me love
Here am I, give me love

Here am I, give me love

I imagine I must sit here
Till the winter comes
And just watch the days
Growing shorter
To gather in dust won't go
Till my thinking's done
And I walk from this troubled water

By then my need won't be so bad
And I'll gladly say
Here am I, give me love
Here am I, give me love...

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

I sit in my sunny chair
With my head held low
I know the reason I'm dreaming
It's really been fun
But where is there left to go
Save to give my life a new meaning

And if by chance
You'd come my way
I'll have to say
Here am I, give me love
Here am I, give me love

How was I to know
Your heart was unsatisfied
When you never troubled to tell me
No wish that you made to me
Ever was denied
I played it just the way
That it should be

But then you turned
And walked away
I have to say
Here am I, give me love
Here am I, give me love

Here am I, give me love

I imagine I must sit here
Till the winter comes
And just watch the days
Growing shorter
To gather in dust won't go
Till my thinking's done
And I walk from this troubled water

By then my need won't be so bad
And I'll gladly say
Here am I, give me love
Here am I, give me love...

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Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
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Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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