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How do you keep the music playing (su Lorrie Morgan)

Frank Sinatra

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Rimtoji muzika
Data: 1994 m.

(A.Bergman, M.Bergman, M.Legrand)
[Recorded April 17, 1984, New York]

How do you keep the music playing, how do you make it last
How do keep the song from fading too fast
How do you lose yourself to someone, and never lose your way
How do you not run out of new things to say
And since you know we're always changing, how can it be the same
You're sure your heart will fall apart, each time you hear her name
If we can be the best of lovers, yet be the best of friends
If we can try with every day, to make it better as it goes
With any luck than I suppose, the music never ends

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Esamas tekstas

(A.Bergman, M.Bergman, M.Legrand)
[Recorded April 17, 1984, New York]

How do you keep the music playing, how do you make it last
How do keep the song from fading too fast
How do you lose yourself to someone, and never lose your way
How do you not run out of new things to say
And since you know we're always changing, how can it be the same
You're sure your heart will fall apart, each time you hear her name
If we can be the best of lovers, yet be the best of friends
If we can try with every day, to make it better as it goes
With any luck than I suppose, the music never ends

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