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I Still Hate You


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Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2007 m.

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I Still Hate You

This shall be my final statement
This will not be the last you'll hear
This shall be my words in stone

The blindest of the blindest is hiding in you, my companion
The hate I feel has never changed and I doubt it ever will
When the world was to painful you had your eye lids sewn together
So the only world you see is the land inside you dreams


Mirror, mirror in my head
How I wish that you were dead
So unkind you twist my mind
Killing me - please set me free
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Say how deep just can I fall?
Until I cry or 'til I die
Or 'til I sell my soul to hell

I still hate you
I still hate you

Fuck all the things that you are
You fucking fool
You're a fucking scar
The foolish grin upon your face
Just go away
The life you lead, the lies you hide
The cold that keeps you safe from flames
It all disgusts me, makes me sick
How denial can be a virtue

I still hate you
I still hate you

I still hate you
I still hate you

Learning of the one and all
When all for one there's none at all
If all is one the "I", I know
Is you in me watching all else
The movements made is universe
In self no more than me
And we're all as doomed as the other!

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Esamas tekstas

I Still Hate You

This shall be my final statement
This will not be the last you'll hear
This shall be my words in stone

The blindest of the blindest is hiding in you, my companion
The hate I feel has never changed and I doubt it ever will
When the world was to painful you had your eye lids sewn together
So the only world you see is the land inside you dreams


Mirror, mirror in my head
How I wish that you were dead
So unkind you twist my mind
Killing me - please set me free
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Say how deep just can I fall?
Until I cry or 'til I die
Or 'til I sell my soul to hell

I still hate you
I still hate you

Fuck all the things that you are
You fucking fool
You're a fucking scar
The foolish grin upon your face
Just go away
The life you lead, the lies you hide
The cold that keeps you safe from flames
It all disgusts me, makes me sick
How denial can be a virtue

I still hate you
I still hate you

I still hate you
I still hate you

Learning of the one and all
When all for one there's none at all
If all is one the "I", I know
Is you in me watching all else
The movements made is universe
In self no more than me
And we're all as doomed as the other!

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