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I Want to Choke Your Band


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2004 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

OHH, YE-EEE-AH I tell you something
I think you'll understand
When I say the something
I want to choke your band!

I want to choke your band! I want to choke your band!

You'll say, "PLEASE! Don't tread on me!"
But I'm fuckin' pissed off, man!
For C.C.-no mercy
Cuz he'z in a hair band

Woah, let me choke your band! I want to choke your band!

And when I punch you I feel happy inside
It'z such a feeling, let the light-a-ning ride
Lightning ride, lightning ride

YEAH, YOU! Here'z your warning
That I won't take your glam
White Lion dead by morning
I want to choke that band!

I want to choke your band! I want to choke your band!

And when I punch you I feel happy inside
It'z just the flowing of your blood, you can't hide
You can't hide, you can't hide

YEAH, YOU! Here'z your warning
Won't take your fuckin' glam
Now Warrant'z dead by morning
I fuckin' choked that band!

I want to choke your band! I want to choke your band!
I want to choke your ba-a-a-po-o-seur band!!

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

OHH, YE-EEE-AH I tell you something
I think you'll understand
When I say the something
I want to choke your band!

I want to choke your band! I want to choke your band!

You'll say, "PLEASE! Don't tread on me!"
But I'm fuckin' pissed off, man!
For C.C.-no mercy
Cuz he'z in a hair band

Woah, let me choke your band! I want to choke your band!

And when I punch you I feel happy inside
It'z such a feeling, let the light-a-ning ride
Lightning ride, lightning ride

YEAH, YOU! Here'z your warning
That I won't take your glam
White Lion dead by morning
I want to choke that band!

I want to choke your band! I want to choke your band!

And when I punch you I feel happy inside
It'z just the flowing of your blood, you can't hide
You can't hide, you can't hide

YEAH, YOU! Here'z your warning
Won't take your fuckin' glam
Now Warrant'z dead by morning
I fuckin' choked that band!

I want to choke your band! I want to choke your band!
I want to choke your ba-a-a-po-o-seur band!!

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