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If You Could Only See Me Now

Thomas Anders

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Pop, R&B muzika
Data: 1992 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

I heard it this morning,you were moving away
Somebody's taking you to a world of rainbows
Why should you stay

I hope that you find it,that dream butterfly
I used to hold it right here between my fingers
Then let it die

It's usual that I feel so bad
Unraveling the time we had
Rewinding the clock again

If you could only see me now
The way I drag my heart around
You wouldn't recognize the man
Who's pride let you go somehow
If you could look inside my mind
Your smile is showing all the time
I see it everyday,there's no escape
From this pain inside

I go through the motion of living each day
A twilight place where the sunlight never rises
Colour me grey

It's usual that I feel so sad
Remembering the times we had
Rewinding the clock again...

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

I heard it this morning,you were moving away
Somebody's taking you to a world of rainbows
Why should you stay

I hope that you find it,that dream butterfly
I used to hold it right here between my fingers
Then let it die

It's usual that I feel so bad
Unraveling the time we had
Rewinding the clock again

If you could only see me now
The way I drag my heart around
You wouldn't recognize the man
Who's pride let you go somehow
If you could look inside my mind
Your smile is showing all the time
I see it everyday,there's no escape
From this pain inside

I go through the motion of living each day
A twilight place where the sunlight never rises
Colour me grey

It's usual that I feel so sad
Remembering the times we had
Rewinding the clock again...

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Komentarai (1)

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
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2010 m. balandžio 25 d. 11:05:49
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
I heard it this morning,you were moving away
Somebody's taking you to a world of rainbows
Why should you stay

I hope that you find it,that dream butterfly
I used to hold it right here between my fingers
Then let it die

It's usual that I feel so bad
Unraveling the time we had
Rewinding the clock again

If you could only see me now
The way I drag my heart around
You wouldn't recognize the man
Who's pride let you go somehow
If you could look inside my mind
Your smile is showing all the time
I see it everyday,there's no escape
From this pain inside

I go through the motion of living each day
A twilight place where the sunlight never rises
Colour me grey

It's usual that I feel so sad
Remembering the times we had
Rewinding the clock again...

Meilė kovoja,bet žmonės akli,kas atsimerks,tam iš dangaus,leisis ji Šitam pasaulį meilė gimdo ateitį,praeitis-dabartį,o ateitis-sapnus. (Sahja) Mano batai iš Lietuvos,mano kelnės iš Vokietijos,mano kepurė iš Rusijos,o mano širdis,iš Indijos.Visa Visata ,tik sapnas,tik laikas,kurio nėra,mums tai atvers.
Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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