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All That Remains

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2006 m.

Klausyti nemokamai


Eyes filled with hatred
When they fall upon me
You worship gods of violence and bigotry
Forgetting lessons learned that prove these
The wrong ideals

Don't let me follow in the foot steps
I won't embrace these wrong ideals
This thirst for violence domination
It only serves your wrong beliefs

This is my indictment of your beliefs
This is my indictment of what you hold dear

Your evil consumes you
A jealous few incite ignorant followers
invoke the name and watch the masses turn on us
for fear that i embody what you fear

My eyes have seen the horrors that you
Commit in the name of your god
Your god is violence your god is unholy

Eyes fill with hatred when they fall upon me

Invoke the name and watch the masses turn on us
For fear that I embody what you fear
Your god is violence your god is unholy

Watch out


Invoke the name and watch the masses turn on us
For fear that I embody what you fear
Your god is violence your god is unholy

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas


Eyes filled with hatred
When they fall upon me
You worship gods of violence and bigotry
Forgetting lessons learned that prove these
The wrong ideals

Don't let me follow in the foot steps
I won't embrace these wrong ideals
This thirst for violence domination
It only serves your wrong beliefs

This is my indictment of your beliefs
This is my indictment of what you hold dear

Your evil consumes you
A jealous few incite ignorant followers
invoke the name and watch the masses turn on us
for fear that i embody what you fear

My eyes have seen the horrors that you
Commit in the name of your god
Your god is violence your god is unholy

Eyes fill with hatred when they fall upon me

Invoke the name and watch the masses turn on us
For fear that I embody what you fear
Your god is violence your god is unholy

Watch out


Invoke the name and watch the masses turn on us
For fear that I embody what you fear
Your god is violence your god is unholy

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