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Jonas Brothers

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Pop, R&B muzika
Data: 2007 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Take my hand tonight
We can run so far
We can change the world to anything you want
We can talk for hours just staring at the stars
They shine down to show us

That you know when the sun forgets to shine
I'll be there to hold you through the night
And we'll be running so fast we can fly tonight
And even when we're miles and miles apart
You're still holding all of my heart
I promise it will never be dark
I know..we're inseparable

We could run forever if you want
And I would not get tired
Because I'd be with you
I keep singing this song until the very end
We have done all these things

You know when the sun forgets to shine
I'll be there to hold you through the night
We'll be runnin' so fast we can fly tonight
And even when we're miles and miles apart
You'll still be holdin' all of my heart
I promise it will never be dark
I know..we're inseparable

I would give it up
To never let you fall
Cause you know we're inseparable
I would give it all
Just to show you I'm in love
Cause you know we're inseparable

You know when the sun forgets to shine
I'll be there to hold you through the night
We'll be runnin' so fast we can fly tonight
And even when we're miles and miles apart
You'll still be holdin' all of my heart
I promise it will never be dark
I know..we're inseparable

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Take my hand tonight
We can run so far
We can change the world to anything you want
We can talk for hours just staring at the stars
They shine down to show us

That you know when the sun forgets to shine
I'll be there to hold you through the night
And we'll be running so fast we can fly tonight
And even when we're miles and miles apart
You're still holding all of my heart
I promise it will never be dark
I know..we're inseparable

We could run forever if you want
And I would not get tired
Because I'd be with you
I keep singing this song until the very end
We have done all these things

You know when the sun forgets to shine
I'll be there to hold you through the night
We'll be runnin' so fast we can fly tonight
And even when we're miles and miles apart
You'll still be holdin' all of my heart
I promise it will never be dark
I know..we're inseparable

I would give it up
To never let you fall
Cause you know we're inseparable
I would give it all
Just to show you I'm in love
Cause you know we're inseparable

You know when the sun forgets to shine
I'll be there to hold you through the night
We'll be runnin' so fast we can fly tonight
And even when we're miles and miles apart
You'll still be holdin' all of my heart
I promise it will never be dark
I know..we're inseparable

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