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Any Way You Want It


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1980 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Any way you want it
That's the way you need it
Any way you want it
She loves to laugh
She loves to sing
She does everything
She loves to move
She loves to grove
She loves the lovin' things
Ooh, all night, all night
Oh, every night
So hold tight, hold tight
Ooh, baby, hold tight
Oh, she said,

Any way you want it
That's the way you need it
Any way you want it
She said, Any way you want it
That's the way you need it
Any way you want it

I was alone
I never knew
What good love could do
Ooh, then we touched
Then we sang
About the lovin' things

Ooh, all night, all night
Oh, every night
So hold tight, hold tight
Ooh baby, hold tight
Oh, she said,

Any way you want it
That's the way you need it
Any way you want it
She said, Any way you want it
That's the way you need it
Any way you want it

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Any way you want it
That's the way you need it
Any way you want it
She loves to laugh
She loves to sing
She does everything
She loves to move
She loves to grove
She loves the lovin' things
Ooh, all night, all night
Oh, every night
So hold tight, hold tight
Ooh, baby, hold tight
Oh, she said,

Any way you want it
That's the way you need it
Any way you want it
She said, Any way you want it
That's the way you need it
Any way you want it

I was alone
I never knew
What good love could do
Ooh, then we touched
Then we sang
About the lovin' things

Ooh, all night, all night
Oh, every night
So hold tight, hold tight
Ooh baby, hold tight
Oh, she said,

Any way you want it
That's the way you need it
Any way you want it
She said, Any way you want it
That's the way you need it
Any way you want it

Siūlomas pataisytas variantas



Komentarai (2)

Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti
Suraskite ir pridėkite norimus kūrinius, albumus arba grupes:

2010 m. rugpjūčio 8 d. 21:30:26
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
užskaitau šią

2009 m. gegužės 15 d. 14:18:30
Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų!
Gera daina

Didelę gyvenimo dalį praleidžiame darydami klaidas, didelę - nieko nedarydami, o visą gyvenimą - darydami ne tai, ką reikia. -Seneka-
Susijusi muzika: pasirinkti

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