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Kingdom Of The Night II


Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2014 m.

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Kingdom Of The Night II

All right, all right
All right, all right
We're back into the kingdom of the night

The golden rings, the dirty jeans
Nice pictures in my mind
But I have looked behind the scenes
There's nothing of this kind
Still money rules – so many fools
Controlling with their might
But now we're free and independent
Let us rock tonight

So get up – go down
Move your legs and stamp around
Get up – get down
Get the kingdoms' crown

Tonight, tonight
Tonight, tonight
We're back into the kingdom of the night
Tonight, tonight
Tonight, tonight
We're back into the kingdom of the night

Oh, set us free – that's what we call
Back into rock 'n' roll
No business crap – back to the roots
That's our common goal
We still go on – go our way
We loved to be on the road
Be strong enough to be yourself
That's our secret code






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Kingdom Of The Night II

All right, all right
All right, all right
We're back into the kingdom of the night

The golden rings, the dirty jeans
Nice pictures in my mind
But I have looked behind the scenes
There's nothing of this kind
Still money rules – so many fools
Controlling with their might
But now we're free and independent
Let us rock tonight

So get up – go down
Move your legs and stamp around
Get up – get down
Get the kingdoms' crown

Tonight, tonight
Tonight, tonight
We're back into the kingdom of the night
Tonight, tonight
Tonight, tonight
We're back into the kingdom of the night

Oh, set us free – that's what we call
Back into rock 'n' roll
No business crap – back to the roots
That's our common goal
We still go on – go our way
We loved to be on the road
Be strong enough to be yourself
That's our secret code






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