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Laid to Rest

Lamb of God

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2014 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

If there was a single day I could live
A single breath I could take
I'd trade all the others away
The blood's on the wall
so you'd might as well just admit it
And bleach out the stains
commit to forgetting it
You're better off empty and blank
Than left with a single pathetic trace of this
Smother another failure, lay this to rest
Console yourself, you're better alone
Destroy yourself, see who gives a fuck
Absorb yourself, you're better alone
Destroy yourself
I'll chain you to the truth,
for the truth shall set you free
I'll turn the screws of vengeance and bury you with honesty
I'll make all your dreams come to life
And slay them as quickly as they came
Smother another failure, lay this to rest
Console yourself, you're better alone
Destroy yourself, see who gives a fuck
Absorb yourself, you're better alone
Destroy yourself
See who gives a fuck
See who gives a fuck
See who gives a fuck
If there was a day I could live
If there was a single breath I could take
I'd trade all the others away
I'd trade all the others away

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

If there was a single day I could live
A single breath I could take
I'd trade all the others away
The blood's on the wall
so you'd might as well just admit it
And bleach out the stains
commit to forgetting it
You're better off empty and blank
Than left with a single pathetic trace of this
Smother another failure, lay this to rest
Console yourself, you're better alone
Destroy yourself, see who gives a fuck
Absorb yourself, you're better alone
Destroy yourself
I'll chain you to the truth,
for the truth shall set you free
I'll turn the screws of vengeance and bury you with honesty
I'll make all your dreams come to life
And slay them as quickly as they came
Smother another failure, lay this to rest
Console yourself, you're better alone
Destroy yourself, see who gives a fuck
Absorb yourself, you're better alone
Destroy yourself
See who gives a fuck
See who gives a fuck
See who gives a fuck
If there was a day I could live
If there was a single breath I could take
I'd trade all the others away
I'd trade all the others away

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