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Life Begins At 40

John Lennon

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika

- "we'd like to welcome you here to the dakota country and western club
And in return for miss yoko ono's wonderful gift of a very strange...
I'd like,this morning, to sing you a little ditty that occured to me in the throes
of my sleep
It's called "life begins at 40"

They say life begins at forty,
Age is just a state of mind.
If all that's true,
You know, that i've been dead for thirty-nine.

And if life begins at forty,
Well, i hope it ain't the same
It's been tough enough without that stuff
I don't wanna to be born again.

Well, i tried to sweep the slate clean
With a new broom ev'ry day
If that don't work,
I'll jerk around until my next birtday

Yeah, life begins at forty,
Age is just a state of mind.
Well, if all that's true
You know that i've been dead for thirty-nine.

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

- "we'd like to welcome you here to the dakota country and western club
And in return for miss yoko ono's wonderful gift of a very strange...
I'd like,this morning, to sing you a little ditty that occured to me in the throes
of my sleep
It's called "life begins at 40"

They say life begins at forty,
Age is just a state of mind.
If all that's true,
You know, that i've been dead for thirty-nine.

And if life begins at forty,
Well, i hope it ain't the same
It's been tough enough without that stuff
I don't wanna to be born again.

Well, i tried to sweep the slate clean
With a new broom ev'ry day
If that don't work,
I'll jerk around until my next birtday

Yeah, life begins at forty,
Age is just a state of mind.
Well, if all that's true
You know that i've been dead for thirty-nine.

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