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Life Is a Long and Silent River


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Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 1990 m.

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Life Is A Long And Silent River

[Music: Roderer/Klasen]
[Lyrics: Krull]

Ten more summers pleased the land
Ten more winters numbed the landscape

Time is running quickly
But in my brain a terrible dream never ends
I try to escape from my past
I'm damned to suffer a whole life!

Life is a long and silent river

She grows up - shy, alone and sad
Other kids - kept away from her
Her mother - was divorced long ago
No more love - only alcohol

Life is a long and silent river

No real friends - for the little girl
Nobody understands - what's wrong with her
Her classmates - cheat her all the time
The silent girl - is discriminated against

[Lead: Scharf]

Life is a long and silent river

[Lead: Roderer]

People are shouting at me
"You stupid girl!
How strange you are - never spoke!"
I try to escape from my past
I'm damned to suffer a whole life!

[Lead: Roderer]

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Esamas tekstas

Life Is A Long And Silent River

[Music: Roderer/Klasen]
[Lyrics: Krull]

Ten more summers pleased the land
Ten more winters numbed the landscape

Time is running quickly
But in my brain a terrible dream never ends
I try to escape from my past
I'm damned to suffer a whole life!

Life is a long and silent river

She grows up - shy, alone and sad
Other kids - kept away from her
Her mother - was divorced long ago
No more love - only alcohol

Life is a long and silent river

No real friends - for the little girl
Nobody understands - what's wrong with her
Her classmates - cheat her all the time
The silent girl - is discriminated against

[Lead: Scharf]

Life is a long and silent river

[Lead: Roderer]

People are shouting at me
"You stupid girl!
How strange you are - never spoke!"
I try to escape from my past
I'm damned to suffer a whole life!

[Lead: Roderer]

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