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Life is Simple in the Moonlight

The Strokes

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 2011 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Animals on TV singing
About some pain that they once felt
There's no one I disapprove of or root for more than myself
I wanted to pretend that it was better, better, better on the phone
I didn't wanna tell you I was jealous, jealous, jealous and alone

So we talk about ourselves and hell
To forget the love we never felt
All the old jokes that work so well
Universal truth was a moment's lie

Don't try to stop us
Don't try to stop us
Don't try to stop us
Get out of the way

Got to get to climb your tree in the light of the living ghost I see
She sees her father in that old man's eyes while secretly he stares at her thighs
Animals on TV singing about some they felt at some point
I didn't want to tell you I was jealous, jealous, jealous
What's the point?

As I watch the velvet drapes appear
And that door was closed for 40 years
As we hide what we don't want to hear
As we hide what's really in our ears

He is coming from a part of hell
Where lightning blue eyes don't go down well
He can tell that we're oblivious
It's addiction of routine as well

Making fools out of the best of us
Making robots of the rest of us
Innocence itself in America today
Is a crime just like Cornel West might say

Don't try to stop us
Don't try to stop us
Don't try to stop us
Get out of our way

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Animals on TV singing
About some pain that they once felt
There's no one I disapprove of or root for more than myself
I wanted to pretend that it was better, better, better on the phone
I didn't wanna tell you I was jealous, jealous, jealous and alone

So we talk about ourselves and hell
To forget the love we never felt
All the old jokes that work so well
Universal truth was a moment's lie

Don't try to stop us
Don't try to stop us
Don't try to stop us
Get out of the way

Got to get to climb your tree in the light of the living ghost I see
She sees her father in that old man's eyes while secretly he stares at her thighs
Animals on TV singing about some they felt at some point
I didn't want to tell you I was jealous, jealous, jealous
What's the point?

As I watch the velvet drapes appear
And that door was closed for 40 years
As we hide what we don't want to hear
As we hide what's really in our ears

He is coming from a part of hell
Where lightning blue eyes don't go down well
He can tell that we're oblivious
It's addiction of routine as well

Making fools out of the best of us
Making robots of the rest of us
Innocence itself in America today
Is a crime just like Cornel West might say

Don't try to stop us
Don't try to stop us
Don't try to stop us
Get out of our way

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