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Lost and Found

Golden Earring

Patinka? Spausk ir pridėk prie mėgstamų! Man patinka!

Stilius: Roko muzika
Data: 1982 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

I am not an object
Somethin' you throw away
I am no piece of junk
That's been left on a stationary train
I want you to get a message
To the one that's gonna set me free
Tell her to hurry - tell her to recognize me
'Cause I'm beginning to believe
That forever I'll live on a shelf
Of the lost & found
Between a cane and an umbrella
A wallet and a chain of keys
My dreams are full of you
And my nights without you are empty
I'm going under - going under
Had a name - had a number
Went and lost it all instead
Now I'm beginning to believe
That I'll never get to leave this place
They called lost & found
Yeah I'm beginning to believe
That forever I'll be another case
Of the lost & found
I am not an object
A person you throw away
Some piece of junk
That's been left on a stationary train
I want you to get a message
To the one that's gonna set me free
Tell her to hurry - tell her to identify me
Yeah I'm beginning to believe
That forever I'll be another case
Of the lost & found

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

I am not an object
Somethin' you throw away
I am no piece of junk
That's been left on a stationary train
I want you to get a message
To the one that's gonna set me free
Tell her to hurry - tell her to recognize me
'Cause I'm beginning to believe
That forever I'll live on a shelf
Of the lost & found
Between a cane and an umbrella
A wallet and a chain of keys
My dreams are full of you
And my nights without you are empty
I'm going under - going under
Had a name - had a number
Went and lost it all instead
Now I'm beginning to believe
That I'll never get to leave this place
They called lost & found
Yeah I'm beginning to believe
That forever I'll be another case
Of the lost & found
I am not an object
A person you throw away
Some piece of junk
That's been left on a stationary train
I want you to get a message
To the one that's gonna set me free
Tell her to hurry - tell her to identify me
Yeah I'm beginning to believe
That forever I'll be another case
Of the lost & found

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