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Lullaby for a Sadist


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Stilius: Sunkioji muzika
Data: 2013 m.

Klausyti nemokamai

Seething, I walk the circle I called out long ago
But somehow I get lost each time
Feeding this hunger deep inside that never lives
The voice within eats me up inside

One, I love hurting you
Two, I love your pain
Three, let’s get together and play the sinner’s game
Four is for the torture and five is for the shame
'Cause every time you want it, I get off on this game

You wanted to play, the coldness follows
This isn’t a game, your life, I’ll swallow
And I can’t help but smile at your pain
You wanted to play, but I already won

Gloating, I plant the seed inside your head right away, watch it grow
Destroying your insides, pleading to comfort you with my sadistic ways
I watch the tears fall, I crack a smile

One, I love hurting you
Two, I love your pain
Three, let’s get together and play the sinner’s game
Four is for the torture and five is for the shame
'Cause every time you want it, I get off on this game

You wanted to play, the coldness follows
This isn’t a game, your life, I’ll swallow
And I can’t help but smile at your pain
You wanted to play, but I already won

I look at you and start to crack, start to crack
I give into, you take it back, take it back
This lullaby is all you have, all you have
Sadistic pleasure, I attack, I attack
I attack, I attack, I attack

You wanted to play, the coldness follows
This isn’t a game, your life, I’ll swallow
And I can’t help but smile at your pain
You wanted to play, but I already won
I already won, I already won.

Dienos dainų siūlymai
Esamas tekstas

Seething, I walk the circle I called out long ago
But somehow I get lost each time
Feeding this hunger deep inside that never lives
The voice within eats me up inside

One, I love hurting you
Two, I love your pain
Three, let’s get together and play the sinner’s game
Four is for the torture and five is for the shame
'Cause every time you want it, I get off on this game

You wanted to play, the coldness follows
This isn’t a game, your life, I’ll swallow
And I can’t help but smile at your pain
You wanted to play, but I already won

Gloating, I plant the seed inside your head right away, watch it grow
Destroying your insides, pleading to comfort you with my sadistic ways
I watch the tears fall, I crack a smile

One, I love hurting you
Two, I love your pain
Three, let’s get together and play the sinner’s game
Four is for the torture and five is for the shame
'Cause every time you want it, I get off on this game

You wanted to play, the coldness follows
This isn’t a game, your life, I’ll swallow
And I can’t help but smile at your pain
You wanted to play, but I already won

I look at you and start to crack, start to crack
I give into, you take it back, take it back
This lullaby is all you have, all you have
Sadistic pleasure, I attack, I attack
I attack, I attack, I attack

You wanted to play, the coldness follows
This isn’t a game, your life, I’ll swallow
And I can’t help but smile at your pain
You wanted to play, but I already won
I already won, I already won.

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